March 24, 2011

March- Water

Posted in Birth Stones tagged , , , , , at 5:59 pm by Marry Me Jewelry

General  Information

It is fitting that the name reminds you of water, because Aquamarine means  “seawater”- aqua meaning water, and marine meaning the sea- also its color is a sea like shade of blue or green.  From the Beryl group- gets its color from trace amounts of iron that slip their way into the crystal structure. The most valuable gems are transparent, but can sometimes contain long rod-like inclusions. Occasionally when other minerals find their way into the structure at a perfect alignment, asterism can occur, creating star, or cat’s eye aquamarines.

The leading producer of aquamarine is Brazil, but these beautiful gems can also be found in places like Australia, parts of Asia and the Middle-East, as well as in parts of Africa and the US.

Many Aquamarines have been heat treated at very specific temperatures to alter the color to make the stone a more desirable blue-green.

Many of the largest aquamarines ever found don’t even make it to the cutting wheel, due to their weak, grayish color, or opaqueness. The largest aquamarine of gemstone- quality dates back to 1910-the same year the Titanic tragically sunk- called the “Minas Gerais” after the Brazilian state in which it was mined. The stone was cut into several stones making up a total weight of more than 100,000 ct.

Folklore and Myths

Aquamarine is said to have originated in the treasure chests of fabulous mermaids, and is therefore known as the sailors’ lucky stone so they wore it to keep themselves safe, and prevent seasickness. In the middle ages, it was believed that the universe is reflected in gems, and the planet Neptune is affiliated with aquamarine. It has long been believed that Aquamarine gives the wearer foresight, courage, and happiness, and is also said to increase intelligence and maintain youth.

Special Beliefs

Aquamarine is believed to have healing powers. One should simply wear the aquamarine (in contact with the skin) on the troubled area. It is especially noted to be helpful for arthritis, varicose veins, eye inflammation, and sore throats, and cure hiccups. It is also said to help with anxiety, and in the Middle Ages, was believed to help reduce the effect of poisons.